Oil painting on canvas 73 x 92 cm (28.7 x 36.2 in)
Description: No image or information available to describe this painting other than the subject matter of the work's title.
Signature / Inscription: Signed ‘Durenne’ and dated (lower right)
Provenance: Conan Hôtel d’Ainay, France, March 13th 2009, titled 'L'artiste en plein air, au bord de l'eau' (The artist outdoors, at the water's edge) 'Tableaux Anciens et Modernes' (Ancient and Modern Paintings)
________ Tajan, Paris, France, March 21st 1997, Lot 68, 19th & 20th Century Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture (Sold)
________ Sale: April 19th 1992