Oil painting on canvas laid on board 33 x 46 cm (13 x 18.1 in)
Description: Landscape of the river SEine frozen with mountains in the distance beneath a cloudy sky. River bank with trees to right and small boat to left of painting.
Signature / Inscription: Cachet of the signature ‘Durenne’ (lower right) INscription to frame 'inventaire Durenne n°230, photographie DURAND- RUEL, n° 20289 de 1918.' (Durenne inventory no. 230, DURAND-RUEL photograph, no. 20289 of 1918.)
Provenance: Rossini, Paris, France, February 12th 2007, Lot 114, 'Gravures dessins sculptures peintures XIXe et modernes' (Engravings drawings sculptures nineteenth and modern paintings) (Unsold)
________ With Galerie Durand-Ruel (no 230, photograph 20289)